

What's your #Campaign4Change? We created platform specific tools for Ray-Ban's Tumblr, Twitter, and Facebook to help you decide.

Ray-Ban’s Campaign4Change is an outlet for users to “never hide what you believe in”. We were briefed to create platform-specific content and experiences on Facebook, Tumblr, and Twitter.

Our approach was to invite users to explore potential Campaign4Change thought starters in a fun, shareable way.

Facebook Nab-Yar is a fortune teller with a difference. He predicts past, present, and future fortunes, tailored with user's Facebook data. We access Facebook's API which gives Nab-Yar the power to pluck gems from user's timeline and based on those he predicts their #Campaign4Change. Each user's fortune is dynamically rendered and uses text-to-speech to help Nab-yar seem more humanlike.

Tumblr Tear through Tumblr until you find a visual statement that excites or defines you as an individual. Share it or submit it as your #Campaign4Change on Ray-Ban.com.

Twitter The Change-o-Sphere is a tracking device, visualising what people want to change around the world. We created an admin tool that Ray-Ban moderators use to publish the most interesting daily data and push it out to the data visualisation. A daily tweet from the Ray-Ban account summarises what Twitter is talking about relating to change and dynamically updates the skin of Ray-Ban’s Twitter page to match.

Each new product launch updates the campaign with fresh content, tying what people are talking about to the 2015 Ray-Ban message.