Old Spice


Working with Wieden and Kennedy Portland, we helped Old Spice stage an Internetervention comprised of nine websites and films for nine absolutely fake products.

Do you like spray tans? Elaborate headset devices? Illegal workout machines? You, my friend, are a douchebag on the internet.

Working with Wieden + Kennedy out of Portland and Old Spice, we created a series of banner ads for horrendous products that hopefully ensnared the worst of the worst to click through. Then, when a user lands on one of our intentionally horrible product websites, the HTML elements quickly fall away to reveal a full-browser video featuring none other than the original "Old Spice Guy" Isaiah Mustafa, who implores us to do better with our lives. The result is over twenty minutes of straight-up hilarious content.

With films directed by longtime W+K creative Craig Allen and produced by our sister company Skunk in Los Angeles, this was one of the funnest and most counter-intuitive projects we've done in a while. Believe it!

  • Site Of The Day